Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Jesus Song (For Ned, Who Sat With Me on That Christian Music Only Bus Ride)

You are my Jesus.
Better than Cheez-its,

You are Awesome.
You are truly

That thing you did with water & wine?
Fuck ya!

What did you think
Of the "art piece"
Piss Christ?

I bet it pissed you off,
Didn't it?

You are
My Jesus.

Better than Cheez-its,

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Atlantis Blue (Written Five Years Ago)

I will gather myself and follow Ishmael to the sea.  
I will search for Atlantis by swimming down, way
Down into the chilled darkness of blue gone black.
I will grope among the clammy blind, the bottom dwelling.
My proof will lie in the places known only to the drowned,
Where they are forever gone but still entering your sleep,
Shouting wisdom you cannot remember.

I know Atlantis is there.  When I find it I will scream
And kick and defy the midnight ocean until I return to
The sunny surface of our fairytale world
That must ignore the Lost City.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

when it's too early to be awake...

I stumble out of bed
in the darkness of my hidey hole,
thirsty, arms outstretched,
trying not to think trying not to think
to stay asleep as I open the
door to my refridgerator,
its radiant electric light
showing me more
than I'm ready to see.

Monday, January 23, 2006

What Leo Tolstoy Knew About Love

You will be changed and changed again.
And when the storm is over, you will
Have to pick up your heart in a pail and
Keep walking along the shoreline, the smell
Of rotting fish either perfume or pestilence,
Depending on where the voyage has taken you.
Kneading sand with your toes, it is your own
Heart you must answer to, not all those ships
Broken on the rocks then washed back to sea.

Poem By My Cousin, Steve

“On waking at 4 a.m. to the floor shaking, and going downstairs to find Mrs. Robinson, twelve hours on the lam from her hamster cage, jammed in the smoking furnace” by Steve Norman

Her name was never so ripe
for parody, we hum the bars
God bless you please
and laugh a little, the furnace switch
now flipped to off, the floor above us
no longer a fault line.
We close the door to her aluminum
tomb, deciding to leave it all
for the morning, and upstairs we collapse
back onto our beds
with closure.

I lay and think for a moment
how I don’t care that she’s dead – she’s
someone else’s
eight-dollar emotional investment –
and yet I recall
the secret joy, the thrill
expanding inside me like helium
each second after I discovered her cage
empty, her door
hanging awkwardly from its hinges,
a challenge to us and the world to create
something better, stronger,
less conquerable.
To think it all only came to this

Though, a week later
when the Minnegasco man hands
us a hundred-dollar furnace bill
I’ll understand the true hell blaze of glory
she went out in, and I’ll swear I hear
her laughing a high-pitched
nasally hamster laugh as I write out the check.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Drunken Rave #2

The other night I met a girl at a bar
And she told me I could not be a writer.
I could not possibly be a writer. Astounded,
An entire alternate history rushed before my eyes.

I would have married that woman who was good for

I would have gone to football practice, instead of that Springsteen

I would have worked with my father, I would have lived in
Hungry Hollow.

I would be zit free fat free Lutheran unthinking investing in shipping,
And real-estate.

I would have been as dull, and solid, as a post planted in concrete.

You would have met me at a party, I would not have been in my room

This poem would not exist.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Put Me in Your Pocket

Please put me in your pocket.
I bet it's warm in there.
I bet it's safe.
Your pocket is a wonderland.
Your pocket is like a veteran, all-pro offensive line,
Feet well-planted in pass protection.
I won't cause any trouble,
I swear, I have no sharp objects
In my own pockets,
Nothing that will prod you

Monday, January 16, 2006

Don't Mind Me, Placid Suburban Family!

I'm just here to hook up the cable.
Also, the plants need to be watered
The cat set on fire and then
Allowed to roam free in the backyard.
Don't mind me, I'm just sleeping with
Your daughter for the hell of it she likes
It when I sing opera between the sheets
You should think about re-decorating
Consider re-sale values add a bathtub to
Your dry existence no don't get up I'm
Just going to smash a few kitchy items with
This 42 ounce wooden Lousiville Slugger;
Now that's heft! Please allow me to eat
All your lite microwave popcorn
you might choke on a kernal and then
Where would you be?

Dead, stupid!

Dead as a Beanie Baby!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Ancient Love in the Afternoon

His love tackled him
And he gasped.

She was strong,
Golden muscular without
A forgiving inch of fat.

“You’re like a Spartan warrior
Woman,” he said, laughing
As she subdued him.

“It’s called exercise,” she replied,
“You should try it.”

The man considered exercise and basked
In the lazy sunlight
Of their shared afternoon.

“No thanks,” he replied at last,
“I am a born Athenian.”

Somewhere in the depths of history
Socrates laughed,

Patting his fat belly.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Reality is Crashing

Monkeys are everywhere
You cannot run
You cannot hide
So many monkeys
Feel dead inside

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

It Comes In Waves

I want to sprint barefoot
Into the ocean

Until a wave
knocks me down and
I will laugh

Like a maniac
Swallowing seaweed
Clawing sand

As the riptide
Pulls me out so much farther
Than I would've gone


Monday, January 09, 2006

thoughts from the moon

I would curl up with you
In a soft crater. All that dust
Sifting between us, settling
Over us, like a blanket as the
Stars burned and Earth rose
In the sky (so blue with water,
Oceans deeper than you'd think).
Your fists would relax because
If you think the moon is beautiful
On a clear, silvery night in winter,
Try looking at everything you love
From the sterile vacuum of space.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

A Journey to the Center of the Earth

The comet smashed into my house
As I was ordering a pizza, dragging
Me towards the center of the earth
I grasped at roots as I was pulled
Through layers of sediment
Dinosaur bones mocked me and
The comet would not let me go.


Hell yes it was hard to breathe.
How would you like magma
Crammed down your throat?

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Last Beacon of Light

The VFW had closed and we stumbled out into the dark night
Our throats soar from singing and drinking and my old friend
Turned to me and asked, "Are you hungry?" and I stopped
And considered the question and finally I said yes, yes I am
Hungry and so he led me through the frosted streets of Uptown
To a brightly lit diner and it was 2:37 AM and I asked for a booth
For the two of us but they said sorry, we're so busy at this time of
Night you need more than two people for a booth so I said okay
And we sat down at the counter like two gunslingers and the joint
Buzzing happy drunks spilling out of their seats eating omelets
A boisterous commune of like-minded spirits shouting at each other
This is where the party is, this is what I've been searching
For this and eggs benedict with crab meat and we ate until we were
So full all of us like moths drawn to the night's last beacon of light.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

An Exhortation

You took a bad shot
Right in the goddamn face
Your teeth popping
Stars everywhere
Your eyes level with the ants
As you slammed into the earth

But get up.
Shake it off.
The world still exists
You can still walk freely
Breathing, your lungs expanding
Like the Grinch’s heart on Christmas morning.

For God’s sake, tighten the
Laces on your old walking shoes
And get the fuck up.
Allow the world
To embrace you
Once again.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

zombie zombie zombie

If I was a zombie I wouldn't take shit from nobody
I would drive alone in the carpool lane and if the cops
Didn't like it I'd bite them in their cop arms and smile
My rotten smile and then I'd hit the gas on my way to
A zombie convention somewhere, maybe in Florida,
Where I'd gamble my zombie inheritance one nickle at a time
And if I won I'd shout "Aggaaa shla ragga toasd chomp chomp!"
Then shamble my badass self to the all-you-can-devour buffet
Freshly warm human flesh laid out on white linen tablecloths
The background dinner music chainsaws and shrill screams
And after I finally got my fill I'd go out and vote Republican.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Afternoon Nap in January

I wake to a groggy darkness
Have I slept until midnight?
Have I missed something
No one should miss?

No, it's only 4:23.
I growl like a surly bear
Blinking until all the honey
Has left my mind.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Poem for the Child Empress in The Film Adaptation of The Never Ending Story

We were the same age when I first saw you
And I knew already I loved you
But you were trapped behind a glass screen
And lived in a world much more
Exciting than Lake Crystal, MN.

I wanted to be there to hold you
As your beautiful empire crumbled
And the ravenous Nothing came to devour
Even your foggy blue eyes; you were sick,
You needed a new name.

Like Sebastian, I would lose a mother young
And the actress who played you probably
Is a crack whore now all innocence lost
I drink whiskey and write and I hope someday I
Rediscover that one grain of sand.