Sunday, January 08, 2006

A Journey to the Center of the Earth

The comet smashed into my house
As I was ordering a pizza, dragging
Me towards the center of the earth
I grasped at roots as I was pulled
Through layers of sediment
Dinosaur bones mocked me and
The comet would not let me go.


Hell yes it was hard to breathe.
How would you like magma
Crammed down your throat?


JimiPhoenix said...

Dave - something about your poetry speaks to a hidden part of me and I can't figure out what the part is or why your poetry rips its shit up.

David Oppegaard said...

Thanks, Jimi. I don't know either. I've already written more poems for this blog than all the poems I've written in my life, combined. I just close my eyes and walk in the dark.

Amethyst Vineyard said...

Did you look at that Doom website Kelly had a link to on one of his posts? That was scary crap.

David Oppegaard said...

Oh yeah. We talked about some of that stuff in his Apocalypse class. Did you know there's some website that will calculate the die you will die after you enter some stats? What's thatcalled, Kelly? Deathclock?

David Oppegaard said...

so is death. death is such a bitch.