You took a bad shot
Right in the goddamn face
Your teeth popping
Stars everywhere
Your eyes level with the ants
As you slammed into the earth
But get up.
Shake it off.
The world still exists
You can still walk freely
Breathing, your lungs expanding
Like the Grinch’s heart on Christmas morning.
For God’s sake, tighten the
Laces on your old walking shoes
And get the fuck up.
Allow the world
To embrace you
Once again.
Once, my dad was drunk, and he fell off the edge of this canal in New Orleans, and he broke a lot of bones. I like to think this poem recalls his experience, as, afterwards, he got right up, and started walking himself to the hospital.
The more you talk about this guy, the more I want to meet him.
Okay, I managed to post a poem on the Lit6 Project In Your Ear page. It only took me twenty freaking minutes.
You know what? People immediately commented on you poem. It took weeks and weeks for anyone to say anything at all about mine. Actually, they still haven't. You should be proud of yourself, Sonny Jim.
It's no mystery, really, go look at Geoff's blog for today...
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